Meeting the right people at events should not be a game of chance. Entering a room full of strangers can be very frustrating to a delegate. EventIgnite makes it incredibly easy to identify and talk to most relevant people even before the event.

“Starting from a single screen outside a seminar theatre showing time-sensitive agenda, to a multiple-screen feature in a central networking area showing what’s on right now across the entire show, EventIgnite displays dynamic content that is always up to date.”

Moderating questions from the audience is hard. With EventIgnite you can be sure all questions are relevant and to the point. Waiting for the microphone and listening to lengthy, irrelevant questions will be a thing of the past. Speakers can now get through all the questions, even from the shy delegates!

Better still, EventIgnite has a built-in audience response system that is simple yet powerful and works on any device. It has never been easier to create an interactive, memorable experience for your delegates.

EventIgnite lets your delegates plan their day – see what’s on, where, when and who is speaking. Even if the programme changes, delegates can see the latest information on their mobile devices.


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