Q: What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is that it is a creative one and that there’s no such thing as a typical day. After ten years in business I love my job.
Q: What would make your job easier?
A bigger staff would surely make my job easier. There are a lot of things to do but only few people to do it.
Q: What was your best idea last year?
I cannot choose one best idea. Every single day is compiled of different bigger or smaller ideas. Sometimes, one big idea doesn’t bring big results. Usually, a bunch of small ideas brings constant results.
Q: The most memorable event for you?
The most memorable event last year was the Subotica Tourism Organisation Annual Tourism Award ceremony, when all the activities and the accomplishments of our organisation were listed – and it was not a short list. These accomplishments were achieved through team work and the best “players” were awarded on this occasion. It was very nice.