Listen to the guests, to their wishes and needs
Interview with Janette Poglajen, MICE Sales Manager at Sava Hoteli Ptuj
Q: Challenging moments?
In tourism, challenges are essential. They inspire me in my work, giving me the motivation to try to improve and enhance our implementation of the programme for each new event. Every event is special in its way – that is the magic of working in MICE.
Q: Best event?
I couldn’t say that there was an event that was my favourite or the closest to my heart – I find that there is something interesting about every event. As a person, I am absolutely a fan of new things and experiences, which is reflected in my everyday work.
Q: Dream event?
My wish for events is to give the participants the opportunity to experience our Roman story and identify with the way of life back then. Each Sava Hotels & Resorts destination has its own story and I think the best events are the ones where participants can discover our chain as a whole. It could be an event that lasts a few days and which can be organised at all destinations, or an event that inspires the participants to want to visit all destinations to experience the other stories that Sava Hotels & Resorts has to offer. Whatever the case, when the participants leave us, I always want them to feel like they have seen and experienced something new and are ready to face the challenges of their work.
Q: Alternative career?
I am very passionate about my profession, since it is something that I have wanted to do since I was little. As a young girl, I always dreamt about becoming a wedding planner. Now I organise all kinds of events, including weddings, which is just an added bonus. When you get up in the morning and think how lucky you are to have the job that you do, that is it!
Q: What’s your management style?
I am ambitious and always ready for new challenges. I would describe my management and MICE organisation style as innovative, varied, and flexible, ready to adapt to the wishes of the client.
Q: What would your key management advice be?
I think the most important thing is to listen to the guests, to their wishes and needs, and to try to fulfil them as best as you can. The easiest way to gain the client’s trust is by using your initiative in being ambitious when planning the event.