Airbnb evangelist and interior designer
After 10 years in advertising Sara is crossing over to creating user experiences in real life. Her specialty is designing interiors with a soul, interiors that tell a story. She loves to combine new and old. Upcycling, hygge and minimalism being her mantra. Above all, she is an Airbnb evangelist and an exceptionally successful host.
Q: What do you love about your job the most?
Being able to upgrade experiences, put smiles on people’s faces.
Q: Where do you see the biggest opportunity in marketing and MICE industry?
That be this industry or some other, I think the future is in personalization, genuinity, uniqueness. If you are able to create a new experience for someone and make it seem familiar at the same time you got yourself a winning combination.
Q: How do you deal with marketing jungle on daily basis?
I see it as a necessary evil, so I do the minimum that has to be done – put up a website, take some interviews, I’m still dreading to create an Instagram account though. I would rather focus on creating.
Q: How did the best events you attended so far make you feel?
They made me feel that exact moment. My mind wasn’t wandering from the past to the future – it was is the now. Those events might have been really simple but genuine.
Q: Looking at your bucket list, what is the one thing that you really wish to cross off until the end of 2017?
I would have dinner with a chef who loves experimenting with flavours, someone who loves contrasts. Grant Achatz from a stunning documentary Chef’s table for example. We would eat many, many small dishes and he would teach me his secret recipes. I’m a gourmet who rarely finds the time to enjoy a slow meal.
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (alive or dead), who would you have dinner with and why?
Richard Branson and Dave Grohl. They are very Rock ’n’ Roll and out of the box characters and I guess that would be a blast of a dinner party.
Q: What would you share with our participants if you would have only one minute?
People are becoming more and more demanding, standardized equals boring. Focus on creating unique experiences. The new era of luxury is coming and it’s something completely different from what it used to be. Hint – old is the new new.
Q: What are you bringing to Conventa Crossover?
Being a designer, a globetrotter and a successful Airbnb host of 7 years I will try to present some insights from both industries.
Learn to survive the marketing jungle and join us in the mighty jungle, where no lion sleeps. Become a part of our community and make sure to join us at Conventa Crossover 2017, register here, check out the events storytellers here and dig in the programme here.