“CLAIRE is the world’s largest network of AI research laboratories, and we are very happy and proud to have our headquarters in The Hague. Alongside The Hague’s reputation as a city of Peace and Justice, The Hague and the Netherlands more in general, are an ideal home base for CLAIRE, which is going to shape the way AI is going to be used in Europe. The Netherlands is a hotbed for AI research and innovation in Europe, and home to a large number of internationally leading experts in AI.”, says Dr Holger Hoos, Professor of Machine learning at Leiden University and the co-initiator of CLAIRE.
Artificial Intelligence is a global “game-changer” and a major driver of innovation, future growth, and competitiveness. However, to fully realise the benefits and responsibly manage the risks associated with Artificial intelligence, cooperation across Europe (and beyond) is essential. The researchers and stakeholders involved in CLAIRE have identified a pressing need to increase Europe’s strength and position in the area of human-centred, trustworthy AI. CLAIRE aims to ensure the success of European AI through a focus on excellence in research and innovation, on attracting talent from across Europe and around the globe, and in close collaboration with a broad range of application sectors.

During the opening of its new headquarters in The Hague, CLAIRE announced a focus on AI for good – and specifically, the use of AI to help reach the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. AI for all refers to the broad access to, and benefit from AI, across all of the society, including small, medium-sized and large enterprises, government and public administration, non-governmental organisations and citizens across Europe and the world.
From a European to a national and local focus
Artificial Intelligence is at the top of many national and international policy agendas. Recently, in October 2019 in The Hague, the Dutch Government launched its new nationwide Strategic Action Plan for Artificial Intelligence. The Netherlands has a good starting point when it comes to research on AI and its applications and plays a key role as a country when it comes to laying the foundations to ensure AI contributes in a positive way to society, jobs and income. The aim of the government is to keep the Dutch economy globally competitive by stimulating AI on the basis of the principle that both citizens and businesses can be confident that AI will be used with care.
What makes The Hague a unique place for AI
In recent years, a discernible effort has been made to transform The Hague into an innovative city, seen through the city’s focus on fashioning technology and business with positive impacts on society, Tech for Good and AI for Good initiatives. Therefore, a human-centred focus on AI finds a well-established home in The Hague.

The CLAIRE headquarters in The Hague will support CLAIRE activities all over Europe, coordinating the work of existing CLAIRE offices in Prague (CZ), Saarbrücken (DE), Rome (IT) and Oslo (NO), as well as offices soon to be opened in Brussels (BE), Zürich (CH), Paris (FR) and Cork (IE). The CLAIRE office in The Hague will also place special focus on AI in the public sector, AI computing and data infrastructure, and the development of a focus on AI for social good. It will interact and coordinate with the NL AI Coalition, the European Commission, AI4EU, the European AI Association, the Benelux AI Association, CBS, TNO and ELLIS. The opening of the CLAIRE headquarters in The Hague thereby helps CLAIRE to strengthen the position of the Netherlands as a mayor hub on AI in Europe.