Trend Bar web series

The COVID-19 pandemic has stopped most things in their tracks and has shaken the meetings industry to its core. Numerous events had to be cancelled and even more postponed to a later date. This involuntarily left many meetings industry professionals with a lot of time on their hands. In such a situation one is left with two options; wait until the crisis is over and things go back to normal or reassess current practices and improve for the future. At Toleranca Marketing we believe in being proactive and making the most out of every situation, which led to the Toleranca Marketing webinar series starting this week.


The idea behind the webinars is to spread ideas and help our industry colleagues in the process. The virtual workshops will cover how to organize outstanding events during and after the coronavirus crisis. They will follow topics, crucial for organizing events and will follow the one of a kind methodology Power to the Meetings, developed by Gorazd Čad. Gorazd, with plenty of experience in event organizing and marketing, will explain how to organize an inspiring event, what works in event marketing and in event management through several webinars. Gorazd has become known for hosting Trend Bars all over New Europe, presenting the importance and value of marketing and providing information, consultation and advice. Trend Bars were born three years ago and have been part of large international events all over the world, such as ITB Berlin and IMEX Frankfurt. Since live events are currently not possible, a free of charge webinar series considering pressing issues is the next best thing.

“In a time, when everyone knows everything, the key to change still lies within new knowledge and training and networking within and outside of our industry.”Gorazd Čad, CEO of Toleranca Marketing

When the regulations loosen up (live) events are bound to return, as we are social beings, who wish to gather and exchange ideas, and you should be prepared. Join us for the webinar series, starting on Wednesday, April 22 at 10.00. The webinars will start off in Slovenian and appeal to the home base public, but might continue in English, based on the demand.


Wednesday, April 22 at 10.00Power to the meetings – How to organize an inspiring event


Wednesday, April 29 at 10.00What works in event marketing and why?


Wednesday, May 6 at 10.00What works in event management and why?


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