The Ferry Porsche Congress Center in Zell am See staged its first event – the Zell am See town council meeting – just seven days after the lockdown ended in Austria. The event was held subject to the very strictest safety and hygiene directives. Congress Center management was delighted to report in excess of twenty days of bookings at the venue up to the end of June 2020 – a success achieved due to the utmost prudence, flexibility and professionalism. The lessons of the initial weeks of the Corona pandemic, and the resultant development of innovative solutions, will now be of benefit to future event organisers.
The first post-lockdown event held here this year was the Zell am See town council meeting on the 6th May, occupying no less than 600 m² of floorspace; followed by AGMs, information events, the Pinzgau Mayors’ Conference, workers’ council meetings, and for four days the facility hosted the written matriculation exams of the Zell am See Gymnasium school.
Three of the venue’s team are now officially certified Corona officers. Over the past few weeks, as well as hosting the first events, the Ferry Porsche Congress Center has also focused on advertising and marketing activities, resulting in two amusing short videos in the spirit of the slogan: ‘By far the safest place to meet.’