The events industry is a business sector that creates live events
WeAreLive is an alliance of the most influential associations in the event industry from over 14 countries in Europe and acts in the interest of over 20,000 companies with more than 500,000 employees and more than 200,000 apprentices.
In total, the Event industry in Europe ranks second in terms of direct GDP impact, with $182.5 billion in GDP, supporting 2.9 million direct jobs. Every year Europe hosts over 500 million participants at events organized by the industry.
Business events alone involve more than 1.5 billion participants across more than 180 countries yearly and generate approximately EUR 0.95 trillion of direct spending (510,4 million participants and EUR 309.38 billion direct spendings in Europe in 2017). Every year Europe hosts over 500 million participants at business events.
Although the business events sector is important economically in terms of supporting GDP, jobs and expos, it doesn’t have the same level of importance politically.
We want our industry to be recognized for its value now and not in hindsight after we are beyond saving from the outcome of COVID-19.
In our countries, the authorities who organize Live events are very different: from the ministry of culture, ministry of tourism, to the ministry of foreign affairs. This disunity condemns us to the lack of common solutions, help and strategies for the development of the industry at a European level, saving work places. Moreover, the event industry does not have a representative in any country’s government, or in the highest levels of power. As the 13th leading industry, we still don’t have a voice.
We call upon the Council of European Union and National Governments to swiftly implement the following measures:
1. Substantial help for keeping people employed
2. For a productive dialogue regarding rescue efforts, we demand the inclusion of Event industry representatives in the European Economy Commissions.
3. The suspension of the EU aid framework for the COVID-19 crisis phase in the Events Industry
4. Adaptation of loan programs
· Extension of credit terms up to 15 years
· Extension of grace periods: per crisis month +1 year alternatively, flexibility regarding the start of repayment by 2030
· Mitigating excessive rating requirements
· Abrogation of the going concern principle, alternatively 100% indemnification