
Interview with Tomislav Zeljko, Event Manager at Bruketa&Žinić&Grey on his opinion on live and hybrid events and the future of the meetings industry. The question of the day is: High Tech or High Touch?

“events offer an immersive experience that cannot be compared to any other communication channels”

Q: What do you desire the most at the moment?

Although we are adapting to every situation, and are ready to respond to the uncertainty that has been present for some time, I would sincerely like the return of events as we knew them before the pandemic – with networking and human touch, which is quite difficult to achieve in the online world.

Q: Why do you love organising events?

I love it because it is so complex, challenging and dynamic. Most of all, it is rewarding – you receive real-time feedback from guests like with no other marketing tool.

Q: Can you present the tool or app you use the most during the corona crisis?

Mostly we have used Zoom because it offers the most options, and it has adapted to event organisers from the beginning of the crisis.

Photo Credit: Bruketa&Žinić&Grey

Q: How would you explain to a client why organising events is essential?

Events convey brand essence to the consumer throughout all elements and touchpoints. Unlike other formats, events offer an immersive experience that cannot be compared to other communication channels.

Q: Is it easier to organise digital or live events?

It is logistically more demanding to organise live events, but online events are more demanding in terms that it is much harder to provide equal consumer experience and get real-time feedback from them. With live events, there is the possibility of simultaneously adapting the elements of the event according to the participants’ reactions, while this is difficult to achieve with online events.

Q: Is organising digital events cheaper than organising classic events?

It depends on the creative concept and the complexity, but generally speaking, it is cheaper to organise a digital even though it is harder to achieve the full brand experience.

Photo Credit: Bruketa&Žinić&Grey

“We have to accept a new way of thinking after the pandemic”

Q: If the future of the meetings industry will be green, where do we start?

Being “green” is becoming more and more crucial to consumers, brands and our planet, so it is important to be ready for the impacts this will have on the way we organise events. “Green” events should be about the cause from the very start. It is not enough just to stay away from plastic straws, for example, but to incorporate the “green” state of mind in the core message.

Q: What will be the key trait of a great event organiser after the corona crisis?

Adaptability. We have to accept a new way of thinking. Even once the pandemic will be behind us, the event industry will not be the same as it was before the corona crisis. We have to take everything we learned this far and incorporate it into future events.

Q: What is your view on the future? Where is the meetings industry headed?

The future will be a balance between two ends. Once it is possible, we will go back to organising big, live events with scenography and guests. However, some consumers prefer the online versions and want to experience the same event without the hassle of coming to the location. We will have to adapt and find a way to provide the same experience for both. A great example of this is the Untouched by Light event we have organised with Ragdonske gorice. We had to fulfil the expectations of both the live and online audience and offer them the same experience.

Q: What is the most surprising fact about organising events?

No matter the complexity and months of planning and production, it all comes down to that one moment – the consumer’s first impression.


Q: High Tech or High Touch?

High Touch?.

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