Speaking at the company’s Annual General Meeting the Chair of the BESydney Board, The Hon. Bruce Baird AM, recognised the resilience of the business events industry and looked to positive future prospects for the industry, as domestic and international markets reactivate.
“In 2020-21, BESydney secured new global and national meetings that will attract significant talent and direct expenditure to the State’s economy; and rescheduled 62% of meetings affected by COVID-19 into future years. We now have a pipeline of events for Sydney for 2022-2029 that includes 95 events, due to attract 127,000 delegates, staying 540,000 delegate days, worth an estimated $503 million in direct expenditure,” said Mr Baird. “Conditions were tough this year and winning these events – and delivering inspiring experiences for the delegates who attend them – requires a huge Team Sydney effort, now more than ever.”
During the meeting, Ms Emma Bowyer, Managing Director of ICMS Australasia was elected as a Member Director to the BESydney Board for a three-year term. Ms Bowyer has worked extensively in the business events industry for almost 20 years, which has included managing some of Australia’s largest and most prestigious conferences; and winning Event of the Year on three separate occasions. Emma is the Owner and Managing Director of ICMS Australasia, a specialist consultancy that works with clients to deliver large international events Australia-wide.
Incoming Director Ms Bowyer said, “I look forward to making a meaningful contribution to the BESydney vision and strategy as we work together in a post-pandemic environment. I’m keen to represent a diverse group of members and to utilise this collective effort to ensure Sydney’s profile is enhanced for the benefit of all stakeholders.”
To learn more about BESydney, click here.