We can no longer shrug our shoulders, look away from the giant pile of waste corporate events left behind and say “everyone does it.” Not only because we are all responsible for our planet, or because guests, millennials and Gen Z buyers and workers demand us to stand up straight.
But also, it’s just not true. Not all corporate events are harmful to the environment.
5 steps towards a green event
Plan ahead
If you know how many used carpets you will have at the end, you can start to find out whether there is a kindergarten or animal shelter nearby where they can use it.
If you don’t need it, don’t waste it
Neither you nor your guests need another branded pen or power bank. Trust us.
If you do need it, make it sustainable
Digitalised instead of printed and long-lasting instead of single-use!
Don’t go down on the bamboo straw-road
Dig deeper! Did you know that local meat can be more sustainable than asparagus that arrived by plane?
Aim for net zero!
But don’t give up if you can’t reach it on your own. Sustainability is a journey, and there are lots of amazing organisations that can help carbon-neutralise your event.
One of the company’s favourite projects was Saubermacher’s site opening. Want to learn more? Join their presentation at Conventa’s Green Island on the 1st of February at 15:00.
To find out more, visit their website.