This year, the organisers also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the establishment of SEEA NET (South Eastern European and Adriatic Addiction Treatment Network).
Renowned experts presented the latest developments and findings
The conference was organised by an expert in the field, Andrej Kastelic, MD, PhD, head of the National Center for the Treatment of Drug Addiction in Ljubljana and president of the SEEA NET. Mr. Kastelic commented on the prominence of the conference: “In recent years, we have annually organised conferences, where we presented the latest developments in the field of addiction and tried to prepare for the anticipated changes. Every other year, we also organise a symposium together with specialists in the treatment of hepatitis C. In 2023, we hosted renowned international experts who discussed pressing topics.”
Addiction treatment programs are one of the fundamental and largest programs operating in this field in Slovenia. Director General of the Public Health Directorate, Vesna Marinko, praised the work of the profession in her introductory speech: “Thousands of drug users, their relatives and other relatives are included in the treatment program. Professional workers who work in these programs, with their knowledge and personal commitment, some of them for more than twenty years, help people in need and have a significant impact on other aid programs, and on the local community, politics and research.”
The conference shed light on the possibilities of reducing addictions based on the use of psychotropics and painkillers. In addition, speakers presented different programmes of communal fieldwork.
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