Q: What is the best part of your job?
The part that makes me in love with this job is the combination between the fun and creative with the complex and rational. It’s so challenging to think of great ways to create a brand that is memorable and inspiring to consumers. The best part is to be your own judge – to see if what you did would inspire you or people that you find inspiring.

Q: What would make your job easier?
If I took it less seriously, but then I would leave this job.

Q: What was your best idea last year?
The one I hold dear is the project that we did for a humanitarian aid organisation that is still in the implementation process. The one project I am most proud of is Stina wine rebranding – because we made a huge change for this brand despite the lack of money for communication.

Q: The most memorable event for you?
If we are talking about work then it is being rewarded by Rebrand100 for 6 years in a row. This means that Brandoctor was awarded amidst fierce international competition (against brands such as Starbucks or Audi) – this makes us feel good, as our clients don’t have as much money as our international competitors. Thus, we feel confident that bigger international brands will come knocking on our door.

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