Around 400 guests met on 14.11.2017 in the Metropolis Halle in Potsdam’s Filmpark Babelsberg for the supreme event of top gastronomy – the GUIDE MICHELIN GALA 2018.
This annual gala event is organized by the Guide MICHELIN Germany. Its much-awaited highlight is the awarding of the MICHELIN stars, which for many decades have been the measure of all things in top gastronomy.
The Guide MICHELIN is the ultimate source of information for good restaurant and hotel addresses in all price ranges. The Berlin team of the agency for events and live-marketing VOK DAMS, had supported the event with an extraordinary and innovative concept for the gala evening, and this together with a smooth, proficient handling of the event’s implementation contributed to the great success of Michelin grand evening.
The Metropolis Halle was transformed into a modern pop-up restaurant, inviting guests to linger and to animatedly exchange opinions and experiences. Guests experienced emotional and entertaining moments with almost all the newly awarded star chefs and Germany’s 3-star chefs. For current information on VOK DAMS see: