Information about when we will be able to organise events is vitally important. The goal of the L-DAY campaign is to share information from all over the world, helping colleagues plan their crisis exit. We want L-DAY to become a unique benchmark for different politics that are shaping the fate of our industry.
In order to provide the most objective answer to the aforementioned question, we are asking international meetings industry experts, influencers, associations and all Kongres Magazine readers to answer three simple questions:
Frantisek Fabian
Q: When will your country allow events for up to 100 people?
They are not allowed at the moment, but there may be changes after 22 May 2020, when more details on event organization are published by the Slovak government.
Q: When will your country allow events without restrictions = L-DAY?
According to the experts, they will be allowed from 1 September 2020 in Slovakia.
Q: When are you planning your first live event?
Our first company event will be held in July 2020 and public events will be held from 1 September 2020 onwards.
About Frantisek Fabian
Frantisek is the Managing director of Tour4U, one of Slovakia’s leading DMC agencies. Since 1996, he has executed a wide range of positions in several top-profile companies in the areas of Strategy, Pricing, Marketing, Business Consulting, Project Management, Planning and Reporting, Internal Regulation and Organization to Business Development and CEO role.