“My adrenaline is a perfectly organized event”
Q: What do you desire the most at the moment?
I guess that a common answer would be “My desire is for Covid to disappear”, but it is not. I desire to learn something from the situation that happened. To learn about the importance of family, friendship, and partnership. I hope that everyone will learn about the priorities and values of their life.
Q: Why do you love organising events?
It is a passion, it is about making the client happy. I do not prefer adrenaline games, my adrenaline is a perfectly organized event when we exceed expectations with services and spark emotions in partnership with the client and the team. I always find inspiration in the mission and values of DMC Vekol.
Q: Can you present the tool or app you use the most during the corona crisis?
Zoom became the most popular tool in the event world. We used it a lot, as well as Slido. For me, the most popular tool is still pure emotion and honest words.
Q: How would you explain to a client why organising events is essential?
Presenting the essential values of the company and sharing these values with clients and employees is the foundation of a successful business. The energy that management and speakers show on the stage with our help, makes a company good or bad. The event is the mirror of the company and the place where the company can place the message in the best possible way.
Q: Is it easier to organise digital or live events?
If you want to organize an effective event with a fantastic ROE, there is no easy way. It’s very challenging to organize a digital event because you need to pay more attention to the content, the speakers and their expressions. That’s the reason why our team spent last year in training and education to help speakers and companies make their event perfect.
Q: Is organising digital events cheaper than organising classic events?
A cheap event is the most expensive event. It is a waste of money. It’s better to invest in a few clients or employees than to organize an event where the client thinks only about the budget. Digital events can be less expensive as you have a reduction in costs for travel, but you have a lower output. The best results in the past came from live networking.
“The hybrid part will stay as a part of eVERY event”
Q: If the future of the meetings industry will be green, where do we start?
We never stopped. The only question is where and when you want to stop the journey of your development. The hybrid part will stay as a part of each event. There will be more outdoor events, people will take care more about others through CSR activities and DMC Vekol is ready for that. We have been organizing fantastic CSR activities for the last 12 years.
Q: What will be the key trait of a great event organiser after the corona crisis?
FEAR. I hope that clients will be as relaxed as we are. We need to live in the present and think about the future. If you are always looking at the rearview mirror, you will crash. Another threat will be plenty of individuals who worked in good companies and are now trying to do business alone. Unfortunately, everyone can put everything on their internet presentations, but there is no company strength behind them. Very often clients are looking for the cheapest solution, but mistakes cost a lot. And working without a local DMC on the destination will be a big gamble because, after the corona crisis, restaurants and venues will not be the same. Thus, you need to have the right information about their condition.
Q: What is your view on the future? Where is the meetings industry headed?
It will be more demanding for organizers. Clients will need more multi-disciplinary services, and we are ready for that. Classic event agencies and DMC’s will not exist as the game switches to the next level where clients will ask for more.
Q: What is the most surprising fact about organising events?
I am very surprised how problems forced everyone to accept the different aspects of event organising, and how they didn’t think about it in the past. The meetings industry didn’t recognize opportunities, which occurred many years ago already. Our first hybrid event was organized in 2011 for Wrigley Company, and the next one was for Deutsche Telekom in 2013. From that time on, we have been working on the development of these types of events and we are ready for the new-age concept of organisation.