The “less is more” rule certainly applies to digital events
The formula for successful digital events has been mentioned on numerous occasions. In my opinion, the formula goes like this:

However, my colleagues ask me numerous questions related to organising digital events every day. Apparently, the gap between theory and applied practice is immense. Otherwise, anyone could organise any type of digital event with the minimum of help from Uncle Google. The reality, on the other hand, is learning from mistakes. Or as we like to put it, better to learn from someone else’s mistakes than your own.
We have gathered some of the brightest ideas and recommendations to help you organise your next big digital event (online, hybrid or virtual). These tips all derive from our practical experience in organising digital events in the past few months.
The above-mentioned reasons demonstrate why we should pay attention to every detail when organising digital events. As has been stressed numerous times already, a good digital event cannot be executed without a professional congress organiser (PCO) or a professional digital conference organiser (DCO).
The list below comprises practical realisations and mistakes, from which we have all learned.
Continue to follow our “How We Did It” stories, as we delve into “How to Attract Crowds to Your Digital Events” in our next article.