Seated indoor events can take place again
Based on the results of the study, ‘type 1 events’, which take place indoors, with seats and where the public behaves calmly, can take place with 50% occupancy and without social distancing.
However, visitors must be tested before and after the event and wear a mask while walking around the venue. The recommendations are also based on a venue having good ventilation and separating large groups of visitors. Fieldlab has now presented the research results to the Dutch government and hopes that the Outbreak Management Team will provide advice on organising events in the near future.
98.4% of the visitors who attended the events adhered to the instructions and 80% of the visitors downloaded the CoronaMelder app in advance, so that track and trace could be carried out easily. The number of contacts within a meter and a half and lasting longer than 15 minutes was limited, especially during the theatre test. This number was higher at the conference because people actively sought out colleagues and peers.
The Back to Live series, which has so far included concerts, festivals and other live events, will continue with the 3FM Awards and the Eurovision Song Contest in May. Alongside the Fieldlab events, the Netherlands will also host more than 80 concerts across nine days as part of an extensive pilot programme of cultural activities, announced by the Dutch government.
Kongres Magazine talked to Maarten Schram, the managing director at the Independent Dutch Event Association (IDEA). Maarten was the genius behind the Dutch initiative named Back to Live, which was organised to help live events return.