Shonali Devereaux, atex and host for the day, welcomed guests with an overview of the day’s agenda before introducing Olympic gold medallist, Ben Hunt-Davis MBE, for an inspiring keynote address “Will it make the boat go faster?” explaining the importance of setting clear and direct goals and combining consistent focus and action to transform end results.
The remaining morning sessions addressed the fitness of the political landscape and a panel discussion on the roadmap to net zero focussing on change dynamics chaired by Anna Abdelnoor, isla. AEV’s strategic risk partner, CHC Global presented their threat intelligence update and was followed by a lively and insightful account on the success of bidding for and delivering the Eurovision Song Contest. The day closed with AI and the future of gathering, and events through the eyes of GenZ.

Several university students and lecturers also attended the event as part of the AEV Academic Associate programme.
Peter Vlachos, University of Greenwich, commented: “We are grateful to the AEV for giving our students access to a living laboratory of expertise, challenges and innovations for the industry.”
Micheal Hirst, UKEVENTS, summed up the event “…from the inspiration of Ben Hunt-Davis it seems everyone is in the same boat and finding ways to make the boat go faster. Long may the AEV row to bigger, better and calmer water.”
The conference closed with the reveal of next year’s conference date and 20th birthday celebrations on Thursday 14 November 2024 at ICC Birmingham.
Find out more about the AEV Conference here.