Photo Credit: European Energy Summit

On 17 and 18 October 2023, the first edition of the European Energy Summit took place on Tyršovo nábreží in Bratislava in the Ponton venue. The event was attended by several key stakeholders from the field of energy, especially from the Central European region. Keynote speakers expressed their opinions on energy transformation and the future of electricity in individual discussion panels. 

Experts from around the world converged in Bratislava and exchanged experiences and opinions. On the second day, the Slovak Minister of Economy, Peter Dovhun, joined the event. Participants univocally agreed that to preserve the transformation of the energy industry and the stability and flexibility of energy supplies in the future, cooperation across the supply chain is essential.

At the beginning of the first year of the European Energy Summit, Jaroslav Vach (Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Slovak Electricity Transmission System) and Martin Durčák (Chairman of the Board of ČEPS, a.s.) spoke about the importance of organising such an event. “The summit bolstered several stimulating and inspiring ideas and showed its importance,” said Jaroslav Vach, the chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO of SEPS.

Photo Credit: European Energy Summit

Energy transformation and regulation in the limelight

The main topics of the discussion panels of the two-day summit were energy transformation, electricity production, its transmission, distribution, security and balancing of the system, regulation and, not least, the current situation in Ukraine.

On the first day of the summit, panel speakers stressed the importance of diversifying energy sources. They agreed the transformation and transition to sustainable energy is a demanding and long-term challenge for all sectors. They argued that decarbonisation should not be the only priority. Instead, the sector must focus on new technologies and investments in technological growth, such as the use of hydrogen, CO2 capture, or geothermal energy.

Photo Credit: European Energy Summit

Energy transformation must go beyond renewable energy sources

The speakers outlined that the energy transformation is not only about the transition to renewable sources and decarbonisation. It means a gradual transformation of the entire energy industry, which will require not only individual sectors to adapt but also demand a behavioural change in consumers.

Photo Credit: European Energy Summit

About the European Energy Summit

The goal of the European Energy Summit is to bring together the key stakeholders in the energy sector and to share the latest knowledge in the field of energy transformation, supply security, and affordability of electricity. The two-day discussion format summit educates through expert discussions and presentations on the main stage. The first edition of the European Energy Summit met all the expectations of the organisers. It provided stimulating discussions and knowledge transfer. The summit was organised by Creative Pro agency, a member of the Bratislava Tourist Board.

Find out more about the European Energy Summit here.

Implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic.


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