NAME: Miha Gartner
Company: GR – Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre
Position: Events & Congress Manager
Q: What is the best part of your job?
Meeting new people – simple as that. In our industry one has to connect, reach out and grab as many opportunities as one can. In doing so you get to meet people all around the globe and I’ve got to know some very interesting people indeed.
Q: What would make your job easier?
A secretary (*laughing*).
Q: What was your best idea last year?
So many ideas last year… which one could I name as the ‘best one’? I think the best ‘realized’ idea was the ridding of a rat problem in my household once and for all. Not only did I get this repulsive problem solved at my home, but I simultaneously initiated an overall cleansing campaign and helped to disinfect my home town in the process.
Q: The most memorable event for you?
Privately – paragliding. To be in the air and feel calmness like a bird might, while at the same time the adrenaline rushing all through your body…it is pretty memorable. Business-wise the World Scout Conference would feature, definitely one of the biggest events Slovenia has ever hosted. When you have 1,200 participants from all over the world attending, with hundreds of scout volunteers helping to make this event a success, you can never forget the emotional, joyful and sometimes tough times of this whole project.
Q: What are you most proud of in business…?
My past achievements, the ones that gave me the confirmation that everything is solvable. In many years of working in event business I have learned that there are no problems, only temporary obstacles that crave a solution. I am very proud to be able to acquire this knowledge through my own personal experience in the field.
Q: … and privately?
To be able to confront any obstacle life throws at me and be very adaptable while solving it.
Q: Wisdom / motto?
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. – a famous Albert Einstein quote. Funny thing is, I had something very similar going through my head before reading it!