Q: How important are events as strategic tools?
Events today represent an important factor in tourism both at a destination level and on the level of tourism service providers. Attractive events with genuine content and a high level of quality attract new guests and contribute to the further development of products.
Q: How would you define the benefit of events?
There are many benefits, not only one. Among the most important are client satisfaction and strengthening the reputation of the Union Hotel group. Events are often a trigger for a visit or a return to the destination/hotel. Our mission is to share the excellence of constant improvements, professionalism, comfort, and warmth, thus creating an unforgettable experience for our guests.
Q: How can the added value of events be best measured?
The added value of events is reflected in the long run, namely, the impact of events on social networks, media coverage, the hotels’ increased visibility and the strengthening of the hotels’ affiliation, etc. The key empirical added value is to bring a smile to visitors’ faces.
Q: Why are events in need of change?
Adding genuine and unique content is essential, otherwise, monotony, boredom and lack of interest on the part of attendees can quickly become a factor. At Union Hotels, we write new chapters every day, where tradition goes hand-in-hand with trends and a personal approach. This ensures that each of our guests has an upgraded experience in every respect.