The 3rd Annual International Congress and Exhibition: Hydropower Caspian and Central Asia 2019, organised by Vostock Capital Company, is a professional venue for high-level participants to discuss key topics and guide the course for hydropower construction and operation in the Caspian and Central Asia region. High-profile speakers will discuss the changing rule of hydropower in the energy mix and the benefits of interconnections beyond national borders. Participants will review initiatives and commitments and discuss action priorities.

This professional platform is intended for the dialogue, exchange of opinions, and seeking solutions and efforts for the consolidation of government and business to jointly work on a number of projects related to construction and renovation of hydropower plants in the region. The region includes 9 countries: Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Armenia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.

The themes will focus on the new projects, international cooperation, plans for governments, initiators and investors. Participants will be able to learn about case studies from companies successfully carrying out HPP construction projects in the US, Europe, and Asia, while several specialized sessions will be dedicated to construction, renovation, and exploitation of hydropower of hydropower plants.

In addition, technology-free presentations and exclusive exhibition in innovative technologies and equipment for construction and modernization will be provided. The attendees will also have an opportunity to network and to meet through pre-agreed meetings with international investors from institutional, financial, industrial, and other sectors.

The two-day Congress expects more than 300 participants, and more than 40 investment projects.