Positive Psychology and the future of society
Since 2009 the Positive Psychology Tour with Martin Seligman is organized by Seligman Europe and the Academy for Child, Youth and Family. So far, the tour took place in Vienna, Berlin, Zurich, Prague and Wroclaw. By now Positive Psychology is a highly important part in education, coaching, therapy, health, economy and so on. More and more people believe in the power of Positivity and the use of strengths for a successful process of development and change. How relevant is Positive Psychology nowadays in our society? That’s exactly what the 5th Positive Psychology Tour will be about. First of all the tour will come back to where it all started: It’ll take place in Graz from the 21st to the 23rd of June, 2019. The focus there will be the contribution of Positive Psychology concerning counselling, therapy and coaching.
One week later, from 29th to 30th of June, the big congress “Human Progress” will take place in Hamburg, where the socio-political relevance of Positive Psychology will be discussed.
The relevance of Positive Education and the connection to Positive Leadership and Positive Management will be the focus from 01st to 04th of July in Bregenz. Martin Seligman can be experienced at all three locations with new contributions and together with some more of the biggest names in the fields of psychology, therapy, leadership and coaching.

The Future of Therapy, Counselling and Coaching
Positive interventions are effective. There’s a lot of scientific proof which is why modern coaching, counselling and therapy concentrates more and more on progression of potential and development, instead of curing problems and symptoms. This is the trend of the future. How Positive interventions can help in that case, will be analysed in Graz from the 21st to the 23rd of June in Graz. Someone who knows this is Robert Biswas-Diener, the worlds best known Positive Coach. We’re looking forward to his workshop on the 21st of June. Also in Graz will be Tayyab
Rashid, who will introduce his new book “Positive Psychotherapy“. Anton Laireiter will be talking about the outstanding success of Positive Psychotherapy in Austria. Alena Slezakowa, presumably Europe’s most famous expert concerning Posttraumatic Growth, Positivity and Hope, will close the event on Saturday. On Sunday Michael Lehofer will talk about Love: If and how it can be used in a therapeutic context. Gunther Schmidt, developer of the Hypnosystemic Therapy will then ask the crucial question: Is it possible to combine Positive Psychology and Hypnosystemics?
In the afternoon Philip Streit will discuss his approach of Prospective Psychotherapy, a therapy that works with the future. Martin Seligman will conclude the Graz tour stop with “The Hope Circuit”. This will be much more than a talk about his autobiography. You can look forward to the newest information about Positive and Prospective Psychotherapy.