Eventnika - Nika Močnik - 1 - photo by Ljubimka Pavasović
Photo by Ljubimka Pavasović


Q: What are the five things that get you going?

1. Doing events that move, touch and inspire people. Doing events with great content enables me to influence a broader audience and create the future we are moving towards.

2. My team – their authenticity, values and integrity. It is a great honour to work with people who have that much responsibility, vulnerability and also fun and joy in their work.

3. Facilitating workshops. When I see the smiles on attendees’ faces at the end of a workshop and know that the knowledge they received will go into action right away – that is when my heart sings.

4. Hiking and climbing in the mountains. Whenever I need to restore my energy levels, fuel my creativity tank or just connect with myself, I go high up and that is where I am most authentic, free and joyful.

5. Dancing. Dancing teaches me that it is OK not to be in charge all the time and that it is OK to let go of the control and trust other people. I am also learning how to be self-expressive and how to be in the moment with other dancers (and not in my head with my thoughts).

Eventnika - Nika Močnik - 1 - photo by Ljubimka Pavasović

the bravest thing I have ever done is to have the courage to be myself

Q: What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

I am an adrenaline junkie, so I have done many (what some might call) crazy things – skydiving, bungee jumping, climbing… Others are afraid of public speaking – and I once gave a speech in front of 1500 people.

Despite all of the above, I would say that the bravest thing I have ever done is to have the courage to be myself. It took me a long time to stop wearing a mask and trying to please other people (either friends, family or clients). Being authentic and true to yourself can be very challenging and it takes a lot of courage to stand by your values, to open up and be vulnerable and communicate the things you do not want to talk about.

Q: If you had more hours in a day, what else would you dabble in?

If I had 2 more hours in a day, I would use it to learn and grow as a leader. If someone was really generous and gave me 2 more hours, I would do more of the things I love most – I would go hiking, climbing or dancing with the people I love.

my mind is full of thoughts and ideas on how to create the best event agency in Slovenia

Q: What are you obsessed with at the moment?

At the moment my mind is full of thoughts and ideas on how to create the best event agency in Slovenia. I am learning how to be a great leader to my team and how to design events that will have an impact.

Q: Your goals before 50?

When I close my eyes and imagine myself at 50, I see a happy and fulfilled woman with a great life balance. I am surrounded by people I love, doing things that fill my heart with joy.

I also see the best event agency in the region, led by the greatest team I can imagine, and we really are a game-changer in the industry. We have put on many events that have had a great impact in changing the world for the better.

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