House of wine Doppler is located at 380 meters above sea level. There are Šentilj hills on one side and the beautiful Pesica Valley on the other side. On arrival, guests can feel the richness of the history and tradition of family ties. The richness of the wine, its aroma and the flavour develop in one of the most modern wineries in Europe. The Benedictines from Admont (Austria) had established a sizeable, predominantly wine estate (38 hectares) stretching on the Pesnica hills back in 1815. They kept it in their possession and grew wines until 1938.
Appropriate climatic conditions affect the development of good and quality vine. This quality wine with a rich aroma occurs in one of the most modern wineries in Europe. The wine cellar of house Doppler is located at a depth of 5 meters and it spreads over 600m2 area. Professional equipment and the most sensitive sensors measure the concentration of carbon dioxide and they immediately stop any increase in the concentration. All the characteristics of the wine are measured, recorded and controlled in the laboratory at House Doppler.