
Gregg H. Talley, FASAE, CAE, of U.S.- based Talley Management Group, Inc. (TMG), was recently named one of the Top 25 Influencers of the Meetings Industry by Northstar Meetings Group.

Selected by the editors of Meetings & Conventions magazine, the list features industry professionals who have exemplified creativity, innovation and leadership. For this year’s list, in the wake of COVID-19 and the increased awareness of racial injustice in the meetings industry, the editors chose leaders who responded to these challenges with solutions for the greater good. These solutions included political action and creating new standards for virtual events.

As the President and CEO of TMG, Gregg Talley’s success relies on the consultative approach he uses with clients—that currently stands at 32 national and international associations. Talley believes associations need strategic partners, not administrators, particularly in the current climate.

As the President and CEO of TMG, Gregg Talley’s success relies on the consultative approach he uses with clients—that currently stands at 32 national and international associations. Talley believes associations need strategic partners, not administrators, particularly in the current climate.

For Talley, who is also the past president of the World PCO Alliance, the recognition by Northstar Meetings Group is a special one. “I know how difficult the last year has been for my clients and industry peers, but there is hope. I am honoured to be counted among the esteemed leaders on the list who are exemplifying that hope. Together, we are proving that no matter the challenges, there is always a new way of doing things, and new possibilities that await.”

Talley was also chair of the Board Congress Task Force for the 59th Annual Meeting of the International Congress and Convention Association, taking place in Taiwan this November and online. Talley was responsible for brainstorming with the board on the vision for this hybrid event and then collaborating with the various stakeholders to deliver on the vision.

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