Cankarjev dom – CD Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana hosted between 4 and 6 November 2021 the 7th Slovenian Psyhiatric Congress in the co-organisation with the Psychiatric Association of Slovenia. The all-Slovenian psychiatric congress with international participation in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, neuroscience and psychiatric nursing, is held every four years. This year it was, due to the pandemic situation, held in a virtual form.
The program of another recent medical congress in Cankarjev dom was divided into individual thematic sections: psychotic disorders, psychotherapeutic approaches, gerontopsychiatry, pedpsychiatry, addictions, mood disorders, personality disorders and eating disorders, sexual medicine, and others. The virtual meeting consisted also of Sattelite Symposia, as sessions organised by individual sponsors of the event that presented results of diverse clinical studies and practice of diverse medicine used the field.

During the three-day meeting that was virtually held with the help of the Congress Department of Cankarjev dom under the coordination of Alenka Kregar as well as Cankarjev dom’s technical staff, attendees were able also to participate in lectures held as a part of several Clinical Symposia. One of the Symposia was directly focused on the consequences of Covid 19 in the field of psychiatry and related fields.
Besides the large, all-Slovenian psychiatric congress every four years, the organiser of the congress, the Psychiatric Association of Slovenia, whose members are working specialist doctors and psychiatrists and retired psychiatrists, organizes also regular meeetings of its members several times a year. And in 2014, also in Cankarjev dom, the Association organised a very successful World Psychiatric Association Regional Congress – WPA with more than 300 participants from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, North America, and South America