City Destinations Alliance is the new name and identity of the organisation formerly known as European Cities Marketing. The rebranding marks a key shift that has been underway for several years and accelerated by the pandemic, namely that destination leadership involves much more than marketing.
In a time of division, crisis, and war, it is more important than ever to stand together and stand up for our shared values and beliefs. As always, City Destinations Alliance is for and by its members – and as an alliance, members are coming together not only around their shared identity as European city destinations, but more importantly, they are coming together to form an alliance that celebrates and empowers the thriving visitor ecosystems and economies, they represent.

Geerte Udo, City Destinations Alliance’s Board member and Director of Amsterdam & Partners, has been part of the task force in charge of developing the new brand identity, and explains how the new brand identity was born; “Over the past six months, the ECM Board has led a collaborative process of member engagement and dialogue, market research and analysis of the global association landscape. It was important for us, that this brand like everything else in the Alliance, was developed for and by the members,” she says. “Our community is a unique culture with a high degree of trust, engagement, and professional curiosity – all of which help catalyse the power to share… we wanted the new brand identity to reflect the familiar, yet the progressive spirit of our community,” Geerte Udo says.
Over the next months, the Alliance will gradually apply the new visuals across all platforms and channels.
Find out more about the Alliance at