Photo Credit: Valencia Conference Centre

The 2018 Annual Conference of the International Association of Convention Centres (AIPC) held last week in London UK featured the presentation of the 2018 AIPC Apex Award – an award made in recognition of the highest client rating received by a convention centre – to the Valencia Conference Centre in Spain. The decision was reached after an analysis of client surveys from 17 finalist centres, all of whom had qualified for the competition by achieving a required complement of client testimonials which were analyzed by the international market research firm Ipsos under a rigorous set of evaluation criteria established for the Award.

“The Apex Award is our highest honor and is therefore made on basis of the most in-depth independent analysis of facilities and services in the industry”, said AIPC President Aloysius Arlando. “The Award decision is therefore entirely in the hands of centre clients, who rate a wide range of facility qualities to enable Ipsos to arrive at a conclusion that is as meaningful as it is prestigious. These qualities include facilities, project management, customer relations, catering, creativity and technology, and collectively add up to a comprehensive assessment of a centre’s capabilities and performance.”

In receiving the Award, Valencia Conference General Manager Sylvia Andrés said “The recognition of a convention centre as the World’s Best in the opinion of its clients is the best recommendation a conference centre can have. It also coincides with the fact that this year we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary, which makes it especially important as an endorsement of the management and the results we have achieved”.

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