Once a year, the world of unconventional foods from all over the world, gathers up at the Extreme Food Festival, that travels from city to city, and spreads the horizons of “what is normal”. This year the festival will travel through four cities: Brno, Bratislava (17thAugust), Olomouc and Ostrava (26thOctober).
For everyone who wants to expand their menus with something exotic, and something they never thought it could be a meal, this festival is a must. Stalls with exotic foods will be there ready for a degustation of new tastes. travel lectures will be organized for the guests to learn something new and to realize that the world and the habits of the people from other continents, are far beyond what we think is “normal”.
The highlight of the Festival is the Competition in drinking chilli beer, and consuming extreme food or special extreme menu.
Join the Extreme Food Festival and learn something new, taste something you have never tasted before, and have a walk across all five continents and realize that what you thought is normal and has far broader limits than you could think of.