The JMIC Power and Profile Award were established by the Council as a way of recognizing individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to advancing the awareness and influence of the Meetings Industry in their respective communities. The winner is selected each year based on criteria which evaluate the efforts of an individual or organization in increasing industry profile and bringing about structural or policy changes that reflect that better appreciation.
Photo Credit: The Iceberg
“By winning the JMIC Profile and Power Award, Heike Mahmoud has received one of the meetings industry’s most highly regarded prizes. This is the second award she has won this year. It is an invaluable advantage for the city of Hamburg and for the Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH to have such a highly respected person at the helm of the CCH,” says Bernd Aufderheide, President and CEO, Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH. “I congratulate Heike Mahmoud with all my heart, and I am delighted that the jury found her great commitment to the industry and her outstanding expertise so convincing.”
As Chief Operating Officer CCH – Congress Center Hamburg, Heike Mahmoud is a member of the Executive Board of Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH. An MBA by training, she has been active in the national and global convention and event business for more than 25 years. In 2015, the U.S. ‘Meetings & Conventions’ magazine counted her among the industry’s 25 most influential women. In May of this year Heike Mahmoud had won the internationally renowned Paul Flackett IMEX Academy Award.