“We will start with thoughtful, newly created, innovative events”
Q: What do you desire the most at the moment?
Most of all, I want to hug my loved ones without worries, and organise events that allow me to touch, hug, be around and enjoy cultural or artistic events.
Q: Why do you love organising events?
When creating events, it is possible to meet endless professionals from different fields, fulfil dreams, be in the most unimaginable locations, improve me every day, work with world-class brands, give people thrilling, inspiring moments. Which sometimes might change their lives. Every day in this profession is a challenge that resembles a difficult mountain climb. But the top of the mountain gives the tremendous joy of achievements and a great horizon that consummate.
Q: Can you present the tool or app you use the most during the corona crisis?
Zoom and Instagram.

Q: How would you explain to a client why organising events is essential?
An event is a way to achieve your goals as quickly and accurately as possible. It is a great tool that guides people’s emotions in the right direction. It is a tool that helps to achieve dreams and at the same time, works to make businesses successful and brightens the relationships between humans. The glorious story of human relations. An event that promotes business development.
Q: Is it easier to organise digital or live events?
Both options have their own drive, challenges, joy, and difficulties. But people are still better affected by online activities. They will not disappear in the future, but the possibilities of technology are changing and are going to change the event industry. Largely, they will also set out directions, strategies, and industry guidelines. Hybrid forms are likely to develop.
Q: Is organising digital events cheaper than organising classic events?
In my opinion, no. Technology itself is a costly pleasure, while online activities require more money to be invested in estimating human factors. Costs are in any case determined by innovative ideas. The newer and unprecedented ideas are, the more expensive the cost of both options.

“A great event organiser is one who can analyze, think and inspire”
Q: If the future of the meetings industry will be green, where do we start?
With an explosion of emotions. People are longing for live touches, the presence of musical bars, art, dance and intimacy. We will start with thoughtful, newly created, innovative events to implement the new formats created by the pandemic. Of course, following all epidemiological safety rules. We will start with live eyes and emotions that vibrate from the joy of meeting each other.
Q: What will be the key trait of a great event organiser after the corona crisis?
Ability to adapt, change daily and be open to the most challenging ideas. Nothing will be as it was, but what is right now can always be changed. A great event organiser is one who senses life and appreciates a logical set of circumstances. One who can analyze, think, inspire and is given a great sense of intuition.
Q: What is your view of the future? Where is the meetings industry headed?
Our company does not operate in the meetings industry, so we almost have no idea what is going on. The event industry, on the other hand, is only a winner, as old habits, work habits and work style cease to stagnate. A new vision and contemporary, innovative ideas are coming. New forms of the event are developing, unprecedented concepts are being implemented, in which not only form but also the content is important. New, closer cooperation with technologies is being established. The world has overestimated the values and will move forward with new, strong, and inspiring power.
Q: What is the most surprising fact about organising events?
It is the only industry in the world that faces all industries. It is a profession with a huge risk factor every day and one of the 10 most stressful professions in the world. It is a workplace that constantly trains and gives new knowledge. It is a field of work in which the stubborn, crazy, life-relentless, brave, and enterprising work.
Q: High Tech or High Touch?
Definitely face to face touches.