Photo: Rimini Expo Centre

The halls, located at the east entrance, will be needed to meet the commercial growth of the main events.

Work has recently begun on the construction of Italian Exhibition Group’s (IEG) temporary structures at Rimini Expo Centre.

“Upon completion of the works,” announced IEG president, Maurizio Ermeti, “two new exhibition areas will be available to better support the commercial growth of Ecomondo 2024, the next edition of which is due to take place from 5th to 8th November, and Sigep World 2025 (18th – 22nd January). The new areas will be used for all the events planned at Rimini Expo Centre.”

“The two new structures,” said IEG’s CEO, Corrado Peraboni, “will be in architectural continuity with the existing halls and, like them, will be high-performing in exhibition terms. The area involves 8,300 m2 and is located in front of the current East Entrance. This entrance is to be re-built from scratch and positioned in the centre of the work.”

Photo Credit: IEG

The two temporary structures will directly connect via two tunnels to the “twin” B7 and D7 halls. The aim is to use them until the new circular hall, to be built at the West entrance, becomes available. Completion is scheduled for the end of 2027.

IEG’s Operations Team is in charge of the overall co-ordination of the works while Mijic Architects is responsible for the design, construction and safety supervision. The schedule envisages completion of the building works, carried out by the company Pesaresi, by the end of July. The temporary structure will then be further prepared by the German company HTS with completion planned for the beginning of September. This will be followed by the installation of facilities and systems designed by Polistudio from Riccione and built by F.lli Franchini, which will conclude in mid-October. Other consultants are Studio TI for safety and Studio Sarti for the structural part.

The building work will involve a temporary reduction of about 250 parking spaces, but an area acquired by IEG near the south entrance will be set up as a car park to permanently accommodate about 1,500 cars.

Find out more about IEG here

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