Every year Conventa commences the congress year and after the New Year’s relaxation and self-reflection announces that it’s now time for action.
Over nearly ten years of the project, we could say that we became a kind of chroniclers who recorded events in the region and brought the attention of many buyers to new and still undiscovered destinations. Conventa was born in the economic crisis, was evolved through the crisis and nothing is changed today. Recent terrorism acts have significantly shaped the destiny of the European meetings industry and has influence the habits and behavior of the meeting planners. Individual destinations already measure the damage in billions. As organizers of Conventa we express the solidarity with our industry colleagues from Turkey and other countries affected by terrorism. Unfortunately the issue of security will continue to shape the fate of the meetings industry in 2017.
Also in this troubled times, Conventa brings the region together.
The geographical area covered by our show is not easily defined. Maybe the best definition would be that we cover destinations of the former Eastern and Southeastern Europe which we symbolically and substantively call New Europe. Interestingly, the structure of this year’s exhibitors reflects the real situation on the market. The western part of the region (CE) has strengthen significantly and now represents the backbone of the event. The central part (the Balkans) is trying to follow. The eastern part is now facing one of the biggest meetings industry crises in recent years and that reflects in the number of exhibitors from that part of Europe as well.
Above all, it is important that the focus of Conventa remains on discovering yet undiscovered congress destinations. We are proud to say that this year we are in the company of many new destinations that have not yet been at Conventa. With us are the first time representatives of congress destinations from Krakow, Lviv, Košice and many others. What you will see and get to know are also new products, which are a kind of crossover between tourist resorts and special venues, such as Obonjan Island.
Each year we are thinking about how to further improve the event and bring it closer to the spirit of time. This is what drives us forward. We are most excited to see the change in focus of meeting planners, who have realized that the New Europe is trending because it is just a stone’s throw away from home, is still undiscovered, full of special venues and crazy incentive ideas, it combines old and new, is affordable, relaxed, safe, creative and also because it is a region in Europe that is developing the fastest and thus has the brightest future ahead.
Conventa is definitely a place that combines different destinations. It is based on the idea of progress, creativity and equal opportunities, which are shown in the arrangement of the exhibition space and the overall design of the event.
I wish you to feel the Zeitgeist and have a great Conventa Experience!
Gorazd Čad
Conventa Co-Founder
Enjoy the read and experience Conventa!